20 x 24 (matted): From $300 down to $200, depending on the number of the print (first 15 are
$300, next 15 are $275, etc., and numbers 61 of 750 on down are all $200)
Note: For the Lakota Design Cut add $40
20 x 24 (unmatted): From $175 down to $75, depending on the number of the print (first 15 are
$175, next 15 are $150, etc. and numbers 61 of 750 on down are all $75)
16 x 20 (matted): From $275 down to $175, depending on the number of the print (first 15 are $275,
next 15 are $250, etc., and numbers 61 of 750 on down are all $175)
Note: For the Lakota Design Cut, add $40
16 x 20 (unmatted): From $150 down to $50, depending on the number of the print (first 15 are $150,
next 15 are $125, etc., and numbers 61 of 750 on down are all $50)
11 x 17 (special cut matted): $225
11 x 17 (matted): $125
11 x 17 (unmatted): $65
8 1/2 x 11 (special cut matted): $175
8 1/2 x 11 (matted): $95
8 1/2 x 11 (unmatted): $35
8 x 10 (special cut matted): $125
8 x 10 (matted): $75
8 x 10 (unmatted): $20